The Crystal Bible has become the world's favourite crystal reference guide, having sold over a million copies. The directory format enables you to find a known crystal instantly or to identify an unknown crystal. It covers the practical and esoteric properties of each stone, including spiritual, mental, psychological, emotional and physical effects, plus its use in crystal healing. Encompassing traditional and contemporary crystal lore, this book draws on Judy Hall's 35 years of experience in this field. It is an indispensable reference for crystal lovers everywhere.
全英文版水晶书《The Crystal Bible》已经成为世界上最受欢迎的水晶参考指南, 已经卖出了一百多万册。 目录格式使您能够立即找到已知的水晶或识别未知的水晶。 它涵盖了每块石头的实用性和深奥性, 包括精神、心理、心理、情感和身体影响, 以及它在水晶愈合中的使用。
这本书吸收了传统和当代的水晶知识, 借鉴了Judy Hall 朱迪·霍尔在这一领域35年的经验。它是世界各地水晶爱好者不可或缺的水晶参考书